Ziheng Wang
Tony got his BS and MS from a cold dark place called MIT, where he spent years learning the archaic language Verilog. After graduating, he briefly did a startup writing assembly speeding up machine learning model inference. But after discovering most of his prospective customers spend more time loading inputs from a database than actually running the models, he decided to pursue a PhD at Stanford on big data processing.

Lightning Talks
Brian Skinn, Kacper Ćukawski, Kurt Schelfthout, Richard Lee, Allan Campopiano, Eyal Kazin, Ziheng Wang, Caroline Arnold
Lightning Talks are short 5-10 minute sessions presented by community members on a variety of interesting topics.
Lightning Talks
Talk Track II
Quokka: Rewriting SparkSQL in Python
Ziheng Wang
I wrote a distributed SQL engine using only Python with competitive/better performance than SparkSQL on wide-range of TPC-H queries. Come learn how.