PyData Global 2022

Ziheng Wang

Tony got his BS and MS from a cold dark place called MIT, where he spent years learning the archaic language Verilog. After graduating, he briefly did a startup writing assembly speeding up machine learning model inference. But after discovering most of his prospective customers spend more time loading inputs from a database than actually running the models, he decided to pursue a PhD at Stanford on big data processing.

The speaker's profile picture


Lightning Talks
Brian Skinn, Kacper Ɓukawski, Kurt Schelfthout, Richard Lee, Allan Campopiano, Eyal Kazin, Ziheng Wang, Caroline Arnold

Lightning Talks are short 5-10 minute sessions presented by community members on a variety of interesting topics.

Lightning Talks
Talk Track II
Quokka: Rewriting SparkSQL in Python
Ziheng Wang

I wrote a distributed SQL engine using only Python with competitive/better performance than SparkSQL on wide-range of TPC-H queries. Come learn how.