Narendra Mukherjee
I am a Research Scientist at Philips Research in the Netherlands and have wide interests in Bayesian statistics, probabilistic modelling and open source development (and how bicycles are central to sustainable cities!). Please visit my website to learn more about me or to get in touch:

Are you fascinated by the real-life images or text produced by deep generative models but cannot interpret their underlying data generation process or see how they can be applied to other problems? I will talk about generative simulations built using knowledge of the problem domain that can produce realistic data in a variety of scenarios. This talk will be a Bayesian thinking exercise cum data science case study of product star rating timeseries from an online marketplace (like – I will show how we use recent advances in likelihood-free Bayesian inference together with a detailed simulation of an online marketplace to directly infer factors involved in how customers purchase and rate products.