Rosio Reyes
Rosio Reyes is a Software Engineer at Anaconda working as a part of the OSS Jupyter team. She is a Jupyter Notebook Steering Council Member and contributes to the Notebook and NbClassic projects.

The Jupyter ecosystem has been undergoing many changes in the past few years. While JupyterLab has been embraced by many, there are still many active users of Jupyter Notebook. With that in mind, Jupyter developers have been gearing up for the release of the updated Notebook 7 based on JupyterLab components as outlined in the Jupyter Enhancement Proposal #79. With this, there are significant changes coming to Notebook 6, of which the upcoming Notebook 6.5 is intended to be end-of-life, and users installing Notebook will soon receive a version of the project that may disrupt their workflows. In an effort to give users time to transition to using the updated codebase, the NbClassic project has been introduced. NbClassic is the Jupyter Server extension implementation of the classical notebook. NbClassic has also become the owner of the static assets for the classical notebook, and Notebook 6.5 depends on NbClassic to provide those.
The aim of this talk is to:
1. Reflect on the changes to the Jupyter ecosystem with the introduction of NbClassic and Notebook 7.
2. Address some questions that may come up about NbClassic and Notebook 6.5, as well as some of those that may come up once Notebook 7 is released.
3. Showcase the feasibility with which users can use the different front-ends NbClassic, Notebook 7 and JupyterLab with a demo.