Kacper Łukawski
Kacper Łukawski is a Developer Advocate at Qdrant - an open-source neural search engine. His broad experience is mostly related to data engineering, machine learning, and software design. He has been actively contributing to the discussion on Artificial Intelligence by conducting lectures and workshops locally and internationally.

Lightning Talks
Brian Skinn, Kacper Łukawski, Kurt Schelfthout, Richard Lee, Allan Campopiano, Eyal Kazin, Ziheng Wang, Caroline Arnold
Lightning Talks are short 5-10 minute sessions presented by community members on a variety of interesting topics.
Lightning Talks
Talk Track II
k-NN on steroids - an introduction to approximate nearest neighbours
Kacper Łukawski
K-nearest neighbours is still not adopted well, even though it's simple, intuitive and effective. There has been a lot going on in recent years to make it more efficient, and Approximate Nearest Neighbours is the solution to most of its pitfalls.