Ted Conway
Ted Conway is currently a Data Analyst working with Big Data in the financial sector. Ted studied Computer Science at the University of Illinois (UIUC, BS LAS) and DePaul University (MS CS).

Lightning Talks are short 5-10 minute sessions presented by community members on a variety of interesting topics.
The "final mile" problem of data visualization involves getting all of your generated chart images sized just right and stitched together just so in a presentation that can be easily shared with others. In this session, we'll see how Excel can be used together with Python and your favorite dataviz libraries to allow you to easily layout, generate, and host Python-generated images in an Excel workbook-based dashboard. We'll also explore some of the flexibility afforded by Excel's gridded layout, formulas, and other features that lend themselves to the creation of dashboard presentations. This session is appropriate for all levels of programmers.