PyData Global 2022

Alexander CS Hendorf

Alexander Hendorf runs his own company opotoc providing expertise e.g. for data and artificial intelligence e.g. at the digital excellence consultancy KÖNIGSWEG. Through his commitment as a speaker and chair of various international conferences, he is a proven expert in the field of data intelligence. He has many years of experience in the practical application, introduction and communication of data and AI-driven strategies and decision-making processes in the industry. He is a Python Software Foundation Fellow, EuroPython Fellow, likes to work in small dedicated teams and loves to work with and contribute to the Python and PyData community. Twitter LinkedIn

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Too much data? When big data starts to become a bad idea
Cheuk Ting Ho, Jesper Dramsch, Alexander CS Hendorf, Katrina Riehl, John Sandall

Nowadays we know the social media and tech giants are honesting tons of data from their users and most of us agree that the capability of these companies to deliver their suggestions and customization for you is driven by big data.

However, this brings a question: Is more data always better? Do more data equal to more accurate model? When do you need big data and when does it start becoming a bad idea? Let's find out in this panel session.

Workshop/Tutorial II