Dr. Sonal Kukreja
Dr Sonal Kukreja is a passionate academician and researcher. She is PhD in Computer Science and working as a Professor at Bennett University. She is also the founder of ChildrenWhoCode, which is on a mission to provide quality technical education to every child in India, to prepare them for the upcoming tech market.

Mostly, people relate Artificial Intelligence to progress, intelligence and productivity. But with this comes unfair decisions, biases, human workforce being replaced, lack of privacy and security. And to make matters worse, a lot of these problems are specific to AI. This indicates that the rules and regulations in place are inadequate to deal with them. Responsible AI comes into play in this situation. It seeks to resolve these problems and establish AI system responsibility. In this talk I am going to talk about What is Responsible AI, Why is it needed, How it can be implemented, What are the various frameworks for Responsible AI and What is the Future?