PyData Global 2022

Maps, Maps, Maps!
12-02, 10:30–11:00 (UTC), Talk Track II

Python has many different packages that are useful for working with different kinds of geographical data. This presentation will introduce several of these packages and show you how you can get started working with geolocated information and presenting insights on maps.

Python has a rich ecosystem for working with maps and geolocated data. This talk will present several of the most popular packages for working with geographical information and give you a starting point for your own explorations.

You'll be introduced to:
- folium to create interactive, JavaScript-driven maps
- shapely to describe geometric objects like points, lines, and polygons
- geopandas to analyze data tied to geographical objects
- pyproj to manipulate geo-coordinates
- rasterio to work with gridded geographical data

There are several other packages connected to these that you'll hear about and learn which role they play. The presentation will include a live demonstration of different packages and their capabilities. You'll learn how you can get started working with geo-data in Python and understand the strengths of the different libraries available.

Prior Knowledge Expected

No previous knowledge expected

Geir Arne teaches Python at Real Python. He has a background in mathematics and has worked with data analysis in different fields such as electricity markets, satellite geodesy, and computer vision. In his spare time, Geir Arne enjoys hammock camping, square roots, and aimless forest wandering.